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Executive Management

The executive team of Cobar Shire Council comprises of the General Manager, Director of Corporate and Community Services, Director of Planning and Environmental Services and Director of Engineering Services. Their details are listed below.

To view a copy of Council’s organisational structure click on the below link.

Council supports the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (NSW) in encouraging women to consider applying for executive roles within Council. Advice can be sought from the ALGWA (NSW) by visiting their website at www.algwa.org.au. 


Mr Peter Vlatko


Kylie Smith

Director of Corporate & Community Services


Mr Garry Ryman

Director of Planning & Environmental Services

Heinz Kausche

Director of
Engineering Services

Mr Peter Vlatko

General Manager

The functions of the General Manager are outlined in Section 335 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.

The General Manager is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the Council organisation and for ensuring the implementation, without undue delay, of decisions of the Council.

The General Manager has the following particular functions:

  • the day-to-day management of the Council,
  • to exercise such of the functions of the Council as are delegated by the Council to the General Manager,
  • to appoint staff in accordance with an organisation structure and resources approved by the Council,
  • to direct and dismiss staff,
  • to implement the Councils equal employment opportunity management plan. 

Mr Kym Miller

Director of Finance & Community Services 


  • Administration
  • Aerodromes
  • Asset Management
  • Caravan Park
  • Cemeteries Administration
  • Cobar Memorial Swimming Pool
  • Cororate Support
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Emergency Services
  • Internal Audit
  • Lilliane Brady Village (Aged Care Facility)
  • Public Libraries
  • Youth and Fitness Facilities 

Mr Garry Ryman

Director of Planning & Environmental Services 


  • Building and Subdivision Approvals
  • Domestic and Trade Waste Management
  • Environmental Planning and Services
  • Health Administration
  • Heritage/ Conservation
  • Housing, Public and Commercial Buildings
  • Land and Development Management
  • Noxious Weeds
  • Ranger Services/ Commons
  • Sundry Approvals
  • Strategic Planning

Mr Charles Taveira

  • Director of Engineering Services
  • Engineering Works
    Shire Roads
    Regional Roads
    RMS State Roads
    Urban Roads
    Stormwater Drainage
    Water Supplies
    Sewerage Services
    Plant & Vehicle Fleet
    Street Cleaning
    Parks and Gardens
    Quarries and Gravel Pits
    Cobar Depot
    Euabalong Depot