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Ward Oval Upgrades

Project Summary

Cobar Shire Council has received significant funding from various grant programs from both the Federal Government and State Government to support a range of upgrades and improvements at the Ward Oval.

Ward Oval is used by a variety of sporting organisations, community groups and community members within the Shire including:

  • Cobar District Cricket Association
  • Cobar Netball Association
  • Cobar Junior Netball Association
  • Cobar Little Athletics’
  • Cobar Junior Soccer
  • Cobar Men’s Shed
  • Cobar Show Society

The Ward Oval holds an annual Cobar Show and it a key place for many minor events occurring in our region.

Council ran a number of community consultation sessions which has guided the development of a Masterplan for Ward Oval. This plan guides all future development at the Ward Oval which focus on the community needs, and upgrades that are required to improve the current facilities.  

The projects currently underway at the Ward Oval are listed and detailed on this page below.

Early Learning Centre

The Early Learning Centre will be an 88 placed centre for ages 6 months to 5 years. This building will include a therapy room, and office for allied health, amenities, kitchen, storage room, staffroom, and office space. A 30-pace carpark will also be constructed.

This project will help solve Cobar’s problem of a lack of childcare facilities and this service will attract more families to come and live in Cobar.

The Early Learning Centre is on track to be completed in mid April.  Once completed the licencing process can commence and we can expect the centre to be open towards the end of June 2024.


The Pavilion

A new Multipurpose Hall will be constructed at Ward Oval to service the playing fields, netball courts, and community events. This building will include a kitchen, canteen, and bar to service anything from an event to Saturday sport. The hall also includes a stage, toilets/ change room facilities and an office.

This building will bring the community together, provides a venue to host community events and returns vitality to the heart of Cobar.

The Pavilion is on schedule to be completed and in use at this years Show on the 4th May.  The stage has been built, the tiling in the bathrooms is complete and painting inside has commenced.  We can’t wait for you to see it at the Show!


Carpark Upgrades

Council have received funding to make improvements to the existing overflow carpark at Ward Oval and to construct a new additional carpark alongside the new multipurpose building.

Currently the overflow carpark area at Ward Oval is an unsealed area that poses a number of trip hazards. Improvements include importing gravel, compacting, and forming the carpark. This project has now enabled this area to be accessible and allow full capacity of visitors to the grounds.

The new carpark alongside the multipurpose building will be a sealed carpark including kerb and guttering and laybacks. This additional carpark will create another 46 parking spots and 3 accessible parking spots.


Ward Oval Lighting Upgrade

Council have been successful in receiving funding to install new energy efficient lighting on both the sporting ovals at Ward Oval.

This project involves the installation of new lighting towers to completely illuminate both recently reconfigured fields, the adjoining athletics field event area, and the new walking track surrounding the main oval.

The tender has been awarded and initial works have commenced.  Soil testing is completed with in ground works to be carried out before the Cobar Show in May.  Poles and lights for the two ovals and the Netball courts will be completed after the Show.

Storage Shed

The Ward Oval is used be a variety of sporting groups as listed above. Council has received funding to build a 9-bay storage shed to service sport and community groups.

The sheds are well underway – the space has been cleared and the foundations are set to be laid in May.

Completed Ward Oval Projects

To view the completed projects at Ward Oval click on the below links.

Ward Oval Upgrades

Cobar Shire Council received funding from the NSW Government to realign both ovals at Ward Oval which included new irrigation and fencing.

Ward Oval grounds consists of two grassed ovals. The main oval, number one includes turf cricket pitch and lights, and oval number two includes synthetic cricket pitches.

Ward Oval is used by many sporting organisations within in our community and the including the Cobar District Cricket Association, Cobar Netball Association, Cobar Junior Netball Association, Cobar Little Athletics and Cobar Junior Soccer.

The upgrade to the ovals has increased the usability and is an asset to our community sporting groups and users.

Completion Date: November 2022

Ward Oval Upgrades

Cobar Shire Council received funding by NSW Government Showground Stimulus Funding Program and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure to upgrade the horse stables at Ward Oval. 

The old stables were demolished as they were past the useful life. 90 new overnight stables were installed with electricity and water accessible. The upgrades ensure all users have access to complaint, safe and user-friendly stables.